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Lock Up Meaning

To Lock Away

Breaking News: To lock all the doors and windows of a building when you leave it. A lock-up is the same as a jail US informal the 450 inmates at the maximum-security lock-up in Lucasville.

What does it mean to "lock away"?

To lock away is to securely close and fasten something, typically using a lock and key or other similar device. It implies placing an item in a safe and inaccessible location for protection or security reasons.

Various Meanings of "Lock Away"

The phrase "lock away" can have a range of meanings depending on the context in which it is used:

  1. To imprison or confine: To place someone in a jail or prison, effectively restricting their freedom of movement and liberty.
  2. To store or keep securely: To place something in a secure location, often a safe or locked container, to protect it from theft, loss, or damage.
  3. To invest money: To lock away money refers to investing it in a long-term financial instrument that is difficult to access or withdraw from, typically with the aim of preserving or growing the investment.
